Thursday, June 25, 2009

Save Life: Accident and Life Insurance Quotes

Accidents just don’t happen on roads. They are incidents that can just change your life in a fraction of seconds. They can happen anywhere, in homes, in offices or even while traveling. So to insure your life and the life of your family accidental insurances can be of great help. You can be just a click away from providing a lifetime satisfaction or protection to yourself and your family. 

In India 2 types of policies exist under accidental cover. First one includes only the personal cover which does not include the rider and the second one does include the rider. Some accidental 
insurancecompanies also cover after death coverage. One can find all this information and other information related to it on Sites like this and many other provide full and beneficial information that we look for before buying an accidental insurance policy. is another online site which helps in comparing insurance quotes and then buying them making the best choice for you. 

Considering the fact that modern day life has become so unexpected and dangerous that having a right insurance plan for you is the safest thing that a person can to today. The policies provide the policyholder the compensation for the insured person directly from an accident caused by a third party that leads to temporary or permanent disablement. A policy may cover a number of things. Take for example an insurance policy in India covers plane crashes, train accidents and even snake bites other than just road accidents. You can find a number of such policies and experts online which help you to choose from the best choices available.

Apart from accidental insurance cover one should also consider a life insurance cover.
An entirely internet conducting site which provides its customers with the best free insurance quotes online. is entirely an internet business and has nothing to do with the personal meetings and other time consuming procedures. It provides you with the top rated 
life insurance companies and serves you with the free insurance quotes on asking jus the simple information bout oneself. This and other online sites like provides you with an access to nationwide network of life insurance, term life insurance, whole life insurance and universal life insurance. These sites provide you to talk to the experts who clear all the doubts related to quotes and policies.
READ MORE - Save Life: Accident and Life Insurance Quotes


Health Care Insurance Quotes

Health is wealth. Healthcare is crucial at any and every point of time. Better caring of health takes place if good insurance related to health is available. These days it has become a tedious task to find effective and cheap insurance plans. Plans are so costly that it becomes impossible for the general public to carry out health insurance. Insurancequotes will help in finding the insurance plan at an affordable price.

Looking for good free insurance quotes is a tedious task. The health coverage should be determined in advance so that suitable plan can be carried out. A mediclaim can be an answer to it. Amount of coverage will reflect on the price. As the amount of coverage increases it in return increases the price. To find a reasonable price again is a very difficult task. People start talking to their fellow beings and find nothing out of it. But the information related to it is just a click away. 

Internet is the best possible alternate which can help in finding a good plan at an affordable price. Endless numbers of sites are available at the internet which can provide information in even some seconds. By just entering the type of the information, information about top health insurance providers is displayed . The quotes which are displayed back by the companies are highly rated and are according to the coverage demanded. The quotes are then available at an affordable price.

The rates of the policy like that of life insurance differ from one company to the other. Determining the correct life insurance policy is again very important. The types of policies differ from one person to another. The policy liked by person A can be rejected by person B. One type of  plan enlists the payment for a specified value of coverage and then same amount can be redeemed. Another plan will pay the money back at regular intervals of time. Both the policies explained have equal benefits. But the choice of the policies will depend upon the demand of the consumers.

The insurance policies are different in every part of the country and the state will decide its parameters according to the needs of the consumers. The complaints of the consumers are then worked upon as soon as possible. The total number of the complaints are then listed in complaint sheet which is worked upon to get desired result.

READ MORE - Health Care Insurance Quotes


AIG Insurance

With headquarters in Paris, France and Hong Kong, China, and operations in more than 130 countries, the New York City-based AIG Insurance Company is one of the largest of its kind in the world. It stands for American International Group and, according to Forbes, it is the sixth largest company in the world. If that was not enough to make it known to the world, the company has also become a sponsor of one of the most popular English football clubs, Manchester United. 

However, the story of this company is one that stretches back to the early 1900s, and not only represents a fine example of entrepreneurship, but also of a man who made popular a unique business model and stuck to it. In 1919, Cornelius Vander Starr became the very first Westerner to sell insurance in Shanghai, China. After growing large enough, he then expended into Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. He could not, however, find matched success in America.

In 1962, Starr gave his U.S. holdings to Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, who reoriented the company’s focus. No longer was it going to concentrate on personal insurance, but rather on corporate coverage. He also began using independent insurance brokers, rather than company agents, in order to save costs. Using this method, Greenberg could keep the price of his insurance high without having to worry about paying agents when sales were not as great. 

Greenberg had such success in the U.S. market that in 1968, Starr resigned and appointed Greenberg his replacement. Under Greenberg, AIG Insurance became the world’s largest and leading international insurance company, serving individuals, corporations, and institutions alike. And, he did it primarily by focusing the company on a unique business model that was based on the concept of underwriting, or making a profit on the amount of premiums taken in over claims paid out before any returns on investment. 

Greenberg was known to have run the company with an iron fist, micromanaging every department to his satisfaction. Even taxi vouchers for his employees would have to be approved by Greenberg. No detail was left unturned. And, that was precisely how Greenberg took the company from its $13 million profit in 1967 to its more than $100 billion in revenues today. 

Starting on the day he first returned from the Korean War, Greenberg demonstrated his entrepreneurial flair. The young lawyer went door to door trying to find work when he first came upon the doorstep of AIG. He was immediately rebuffed, but refused to give up. He tracked down the employee’s boss, complained about his behaviour and won himself a job.

Since then, Greenberg has continued to demonstrate the need to take risks and follow the path less ordinary in order to reach success. Under him, AIG Insurance began to aggressively enter new markets and develop new products. “We don’t wait around until there is a history of knowledge and judgment,” Greenberg once said. “We are always out front in product innovation compared to our competitors. After we’ve done something, they follow.”
READ MORE - AIG Insurance


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Insurance losses

Auto insurance covers damage to vehicles and property in crashes plus injuries to the people involved in the crashes. Different insurance coverages pay for vehicle damage versus injuries. Different insurance coverages also may apply depending on who's at fault  first-party insurance pays for your own losses, while third-party pays for losses to other people and property for which you're liable.

Losses vary widely among vehicles under all six coverages  even vehicles that are similar in size and type.

All losses are stated in relative terms, with 100 representing the average injury, collision, or theft loss for all vehicles. For example, a result of 122 is 22 percent worse than average, and 96 is 4 percent better than average. The vehicles are listed within each group in ascending sequence results. For convenience, the overall results are color-coded to indicate better and worse than average. The results also are adjusted, or standardized, to reduce possible distortions from two nonvehicle factors — operator age (injury, collision, and theft results) and insurance deductible (collision and theft results only).

These insurance loss results generally are good predictors of the experience of current versions of the same vehicle models. But when automakers substantially redesign their passenger vehicles, the experience of an earlier model with the same name (but not same design) may not predict the experience of the newer design.

READ MORE - Insurance losses


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tips Buying Auto Insurance

There are many factors that affect insurance premiums, only some of which you can control. Starting with the ones you can't, know that demographics count. Males pay more than females and the middle-aged pay less than the young or the old (ages 25 and 56 seem to be a significant landmarks). If you want to decrease your rates, it certainly helps to move to a better neighborhood (less theft and/or traffic congestion) or get married (only responsible people tie the knot, right?), but those endeavors come with their own costs.

Another major point is the cost of the car, which should be self-explanatory. This impacts collision coverage, which covers repairs to your car. It also lowers another type of coverage called comprehensive, which basically covers your car in any loss that doesn't involve crashing. Another good way to lower comprehensive is to pick a car with a low theft rate. Put another way, drive a car that no one else wants. Case in point: a recent study found the Ford Taurus wagon and Saturn LS at the bottom of the theft list.

Choosing the type of vehicle is the easy part. Depending on how much digging you want to do, it might also be worth researching specific cars within a given class. One source found a Dodge Neon costing $478 more a year than a Saturn SL2 (both are compact sedans that cost a mere $15,000 when new) at the same provider, just to name an extreme example. Differences within a class are largely due to the cost to repair specific cars, which has a lot to do with how they were designed. Some models show more variation between different providers than others, though it could be awfully time-consuming to check every single car across every single provider.

Don't crash. As if you needed another reason not to, getting involved in a crash (even ones that aren't officially your fault, in some cases) is the most sure-fire way to inflate your premiums. The label of "high-risk driver" stains your record, typically for about three years.

Don't get tickets. Insurance companies look for any excuse to raise those premiums, of which tickets are the most common and reviled. Remember, this is the industry that gives radar detectors away for free so that cops can take down your speed. It shouldn't be hard to trace the motivation.

Don't over-drive. Risk increases with exposure and premiums increase with risk, so if you can, don't drive more miles per year than you have to. Don't get too caught up in this point, though; it's broken down by brackets of every few thousand miles, the impact isn't tremendous, and there isn't always a discount for driving below average.

Cover your kids under your policy. They'll save a bundle, as will you, thanks to the standard practice of giving discounts for insuring multiple cars on one policy. Try to not make those risk-prone minors the stated primary driver of any car – especially an expensive one.

Get a car packed with safety features like air bags, antilock brakes, traction control, and stability control. Front air bags have been the norm since the ‘90s, but side and curtain air bags have not, and they have been found to help more and more with each passing year. Some companies began retracting antilock brake discounts after research failed to illustrate any safety benefits through cold, hard statistics. But some still do (some states make them), and antilock brakes are worthwhile to have in any case. Stability control, meanwhile, just got a big publicity boost from a September 2004 study finding that it reduces fatal accidents by 30% in cars and 67% in SUVs.

Shop around for the best carrier. Many consumers stick with the same insurance company for life (probably out of laziness), but they could be missing out on hundreds per year. Once you've found an ideal match, however, try to stick around, because loyalty discounts eventually kick in.

Pay your bills. It might not seem fair, but at many companies, insurance premiums vary with credit scores. The thinking is that someone irresponsible with money would be irresponsible behind the wheel. This has aroused all sorts of controversy and backlash. Various accusations have been fired – of it being unfair, illogical, anti-consumer, or segregative – but until this is resolved, try to master your MasterCard.

Do your homework. Literally. This can give a much-needed discount for drivers who are stuck with the lowest incomes and the highest rates: students. Maintaining a 3.0 GPA is the common requirement, and maintaining is a must, since applicants will be prompted to send in annual proof of their good study habits.

READ MORE - Tips Buying Auto Insurance


Save Money on Auto Insurance

When the police officer pulls you over for speeding, he asks for your license, registration and proof of insurance...If you plan on financing a car in the wonderful state of Florida, then you should not only add in that monthly car payment, but you should add that monthly car insurance in there as well. Did that police officer just say insurance? He sure did. Don't go thinking that you can get out of paying for car insurance, because this is required by the state of Florida.

If you get caught without this insurance, then there are penalties that you will face. Remember, one day or another, you will end up getting caught. With that said, don't you think it is about time to take a look at Florida auto insurance and finding one that is cheaper for you? If so, then continue reading this article.

If you are looking to save some money, then you should set out to get some quotes. There are many companies out there that will allow you to get quotes on the Internet. You could also call the company in order to get a quote or you could go the old fashion route and physically go there.

No matter what you do, you should talk to more than one company. Sure, one quote may sound really good, but believe it or not, the next place you go to could give you a quote that is twenty dollars less. Yes, getting all of these quotes can be very tiring after awhile, but it is definitely worth all of the trouble.

Those premiums that are in those major cities such as Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Orlando or Ft. Lauderdale may be more expensive than those ones that are in those suburban areas.

For starters, you may want to avoid the city life. With that said, we believe you should take a look at those quieter areas in order to see the discounts you could be getting.

Did we tell you that the state of Florida requires all drivers to get Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage? Then, if you finance a vehicle with a car lot or bank, they may require you to get full coverage. Take note that full coverage is more expensive than PIP coverage.

Basically, PIP is an insurance coverage for those medical related expenses. When it comes to this case, it will not matter who is at fault, you will still be covered. In the end, Florida Auto Insurance is something that you need if you live in the state, so no matter what, this is something you have to tackle. So, why not save money?

READ MORE - Save Money on Auto Insurance


Life Insurance with AIG

On a list of the world's largest and most widespread public companies with the most employees, AIG ranks in Ranking in at number 18. The global asset base of AIG is in excess of US $980 billion, which goes to show that it is one of the largest and financially strongest insurance companies in the world. AIG is also in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), as well as listed in stock exchanges in Tokyo and Ireland.

AIG companies can meet the many insurance demands for all your needs, whether institutional, commercial, and individual customers. They use the utmost extensive international life insurance networks and property-casualty networks of any other insurer. As leading providers of all types of insurance, financial services, retirement services, as well as asset management worldwide, AIG is a trusted company with a long established history of serving their clients with the best options to suit their needs.

AIG Life Insurance Company is a subsidiary company of AIG Insurance which provides a multitude of options for risk insurance to Australians. Established in 1970, AIG Life's main goal has always been striving to protect Australians' financial health and welfare. They understand that buying insurance is frustrating, and with top management, AIG aims to make the process as simple as possible.

While combining the largest worldwide experience and local expertise, AIG Life offers several of Australia's most extensive and innovative life insurance coverage options. Comparing with other leading Australian insurance companies can help you to ensure that you will be getting the best value for all your insurance needs.

You can get instant, personalized price quote estimates for AIG Insurance or AIG Life Insurance which generally include everything from; total and permanent disability or AIG trauma cover, retirement services, asset management, and so much more. Comparing with other insurers can leave you rest assured that you choose the best company for your personalized requirements.

READ MORE - Life Insurance with AIG


Life Insurance

And what about life insurance? Insurance is basically this one is quite old, but not all people need to consider life insurance. The reason for mcam range. Start the objective because of financial considerations, to the subjective reasons for a paradigm of thinking. Apart from, life insurance owned by the most feasible and productive-age him, because if you do not age long while the family still needs financial prop, would inconvenience fulfilling. Therefore, also have to consider life insurance. 

How do I select the life insurance in accordance with the age, financial condition, and also has a life insurance purposes? If your money is limited to the premium, the choice is to select the most relevant to the pure life insurance protection. In addition preminya cheap, insurance money, as the benefits that will be enjoyed by the heir, can be quite large. The pure life insurance protection you should take for the lifetime. So really intended as a "legacy" for your family. 

If your financial condition is quite good, can be considered to take the insurance plus the investment. Life insurance that one can enjoy your own, until a time when the age was diperjanjikan you still long enough. For example, during this age you 30 years old, you can purchase life insurance 20 year period. If you are long-lived, then at the age of 50 years, you will enjoy the premium plus the already disetorkan development through investment. However, if God determines your age and not enough then your heirs remain financially secure. 

In the case of choosing life insurance companies, criteria not much different from choosing a health insurance company. You must read the bonafiditas, track records, and the premium charged to you. Meanwhile, insurance if you want to buy insurance is a plus investment, the more criteria, including how many percent of the money you will get a premium return over time you become a participant of insurance. The three factors you should compare in select insurance companies. 
READ MORE - Life Insurance


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Easy and Free Auto Insurance Quotes

Are you are tired of looking for the right auto insurance? Frustrated with all of the confusing terminology? Do you want to get an idea of what your ideal policy would cost you without the hassle of an auto insurance agent insisting you purchase? Well stop looking and start reading (the remainder of this article, that is!). For your convenience, we have put together a list of questions regarding the ease of finding auto insurance with no cost. Below you find popular concerns and questions that most drivers looking for auto insurance face.

Where do I start looking for auto insurance?
There are many places to start looking for
auto insurance, but your best bet is right here on our site. Enter in your zip code and answer the remaining questions honestly. Then, you will be given a list of auto insurance companies — including the more well-known companies — that are in your area who are willing to supply you with auto insurance. You can compare prices and companies side by side and think about which company would best suit you. When you have made your decision, you have the option of purchasing a policy online at that time. If you choose not to purchase a policy, don’t worry, you won’t be charged any fees. We offer our services to everyone to give a fair chance to all drivers to get the best auto insurance available.

The alternative method would be to contact auto insurance companies one by one and find out what they can do for you, especially as far as how much they would charge you for your policy. Be prepared to spend a lot of time and know you will be speaking to many people, possibly going through a number of automated systems where you will be using your keypad a few times. If you want to save time looking for auto insurance, use our site to compare quotes quickly and without any charge.

With so many options, how do I choose an auto insurance company?
While there are many options to choose from, each driver should pick their
auto insurance company based on the factors that are important to them, not to someone else. For instance, some drivers may feel it is more important to get the cheapest rate possible, while other drivers want an insurer with great customer service and financial stability. Listing the advantages of each company and knowing their weaknesses (if there are any) can help a driver make their final decision. Searching for reviews of the companies and asking trusted family members and friends who they use can also help.

Won’t an insurance agent try to get me to buy insurance that I don’t need?
It’s easy to think that an agent will be attempting to up-sell drivers on their insurance, getting them to purchase more than necessary. This is something leery drivers worry about and informed drivers laugh off. You can familiarize yourself with auto insurance terms by reading our site, which will allow you a better understanding of how auto insurance works. Of course any salesperson will want to up-sell you, but most auto insurance agents and companies are only trying to provide you with adequate insurance for your specific needs. It is recommended by experts to carry more auto insurance coverage than the minimum that’s required by the state, and rightfully so. The expense of repairing property (including vehicles) and medical bills increases over time.

As for medical coverage in your auto insurance policy, if you already know what your health insurance covers it will be an easy decision whether or not to purchase options like personal injury protection or medical payment for your policy. If your health insurance has a low maximum amount, additional insurance for possible medical bills from an accident may be a wise choice.

How much will I pay per month for auto insurance?
This is a popular question, but it can only be answered by your auto insurance company once you have a policy. You can choose the option to pay your premium in equal monthly payments throughout the duration of the policy period, or as one lump sum at the beginning of the policy and each time it renews. If you choose to pay monthly, some insurers will require a down payment, or about 25% of the premium upfront. The remaining balance will be paid over the policy period.

How much will my insurance increase if I’m in an accident or get a ticket?
This is another question that can only be answered with specific numbers by your auto insurance company. Some auto insurance companies will forgive a driver’s first accident if that person has had a spotless record for a few years. Otherwise, an accident can cause a 20-40% of the base rate increase. This increase is given for a number of reasons; two of which are because now that driver has increased their level of risk with the auto insurance company and the higher the level of risk a driver has, the higher their premium is. Second, the increased premium goes towards the costs the insurer had to payout in the claim.

Traffic tickets also increase premium rates because they show the insurance company a lack of paying attention to law or blatant disregard for it. Both of these attitudes show a higher level of risk that the driver will make a future claim. Again, as to how much a traffic ticket will increase your rates is up to your insurer.

How can I find out what my legal responsibility is regarding auto insurance?
Each state has their own requirements in regards to how much insurance each driver needs to have and the type of insurance that needs to be carried. Checking with your local State Department of Motor Vehicles or State Department of Transportation will let you know what the requirements are. Also, any auto insurance company in your state should know and should be able to tell you. Most states require at least bodily injury liability and property damage liability, while other states also require either uninsured/underinsured motorist liability, personal injury protection or a combination of these.

READ MORE - Easy and Free Auto Insurance Quotes


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Auto Insurance for 16 Year Old Male Driver and Other Teen Drivers

How to get cheapest car insurance rates for 16 year old male teens 

Since 16 year old teens cannot legally sign contracts, including car insurance agreements, they typically get insurance coverage by being added to their parents' existing auto insurance policy. Until they are 18 years old, teens cannot buy their own insurance. 

If a teen is added as a occasional driver for an existing family car that is also driven by other family members, rates will be much lower than if the he/she is a primary driver on his/her own car. The cost of adding a driver to an existing family car insurance policy is always cheaper than taking out a separate policy. 

Adding a 16 year old male teenager to a family's car insurance could easily double the cost. The exact amount of the cost increase depends on a number of factors, which we'll discuss in a moment. 

Teens and their families often are tempted to try and avoid the higher cost by listing a teen as an occasional driver when they are actually a primary driver, or simply not listing the teen at all. It may seem that the scheme is working for a while — until the first time the teen is involved in an accident or receives a traffic ticket. If an accident is the teenager's fault, the insurance company has a right to deny any claims resulting from the accident, which could be financially devastating if damages and injuries are extensive. Furthermore, the company would likely cancel the family's insurance. Auto insurance companies are not dumb. They've seen every trick in the book. 

Contrary to what some teens believe, the purpose of insurance is financial protection, not satisfaction of the law. Of course, many teens, especially 16 year olds just learning to drive, doubt they actually need financial protection because they often feel they will never be involved in an accident. Fact is, the reason insurance rates are higher for young drivers is that young drivers are the most likely to have accidents, as determined by statistics and accident records — 16-year-olds get into accidents almost six times more often than drivers between the age of 30 and 59. 

The law sets your car insurance requirements - is that all you need? 

State laws require a minimum level of insurance coverage. In most states, a car cannot be registered without proof of insurance or financial responsibility. 

Of the three fundamental types of car insurance, state laws typically require liability coverage, but not collision or comprehensive. Liability insurance protects you if you cause an accident and damage other people's property (i.e. vehicles) or cause injuries. The amount of coverage is usually stated as something like 25/50/10. In this example, the insurance would pay a maximum of $25,000 for bodily injuries for one person hurt in an accident, $50,000 maximum for all persons injured, and $10,000 maximum for property damage. 

Each state sets its own minimum auto insurance requirements. Many of these requirements were set years ago when the coverage was perfectly adequate. However, cost of automobiles has increased, accident repair costs have zoomed, and personal injury lawsuit settlements have grown. Some states' requirements, such as those in Pennsylvania, are a low 15/30/5. This means if you caused an accident and totaled someone's car, your insurance only pays $5000 to the other party. If the other party was driving a brand new $60,000 Lexus, you would be about $55,000 short when that party sued you to replace their car. 

The point of this discussion is that you can reduce your car insurance cost to the bare minimum by only buying the coverage required by state law but you'll be exposed to the very real possibility of not having sufficient coverage, which can lead to personal or family financial disaster. 

Although collision and comprehensive coverage are not required by law, lenders and lease companies nearly always require it, at a specified level, to protect their interests. Therefore, if you plan to buy a vehicle using a loan, or you plan to lease, you can expect to pay more for car insurance than is required by state law. 

How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old male driver? 

It depends. Annual cost can range from $1000 to $4000 or more, depending primarily on the type of car and where the car is driven. 

Sporty 2-door cars with powerful engines, such as the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, are the most expensive to insure for 16 year olds or any young driver. Why? Because they are wrecked more often. Larger 4-door sedans are cheaper to insure. SUV's and trucks are also cheaper. Luxury cars are more expensive to insure because they are expensive to repair and replace. 

Where you live and drive is a big factor in car insurance cost. Insurance companies know, statistically, where drivers have the most, and the fewest, accidents. Large cities with heavy traffic see more accidents than small towns or rural areas. Accidents occur more often in some states than others. Repair labor costs vary across the country. If you live in a large city in California and drive your high-performance sports car 50 miles every day in heavy traffic, you'll pay far more for car insurance than your cousin in North Dakota who drives a pickup truck 5 miles to school. 

Of course, traffic tickets and previous accidents also affect car insurance cost, often very dramatically, especially for young drivers. 16 year olds who are just beginning to drive won't have this problem to begin with, but it can affect their future insurance cost. What seems like high rates now could skyrocket after a couple of tickets and an accident. 
So how does a 16 year old get the lowest cost auto insurance? 

You probably can't change where you live and where you drive, but there are other things you can do to get the lowest cost car insurance cost. 

Select the right car - As already mentioned, insurance rates for sporty, fast, coupe-style cars are higher than for larger more mundane cars. A Ford Taurus may not be the chick-magnet desired by teen males but it can sure save money on insurance. Here's an article that shows the least expensive – and most expensive – cars to insure: Which Cars are Cheapest to Insure? 

Get discounts - Car insurance companies offer various kinds of discounts. Make sure you get those to which you are entitled. Teen drivers may qualify for good school grades, for example. Other types of discounts, which can differ between insurance companies, are: new-car discount, economy car discount, drivers education discount, defensive driving course discount, multiple automobile discount, multiple policy discount, safety equipment discount, and security system discount. 

Drive safe - As already mentioned, your insurance costs can skyrocket if your driving habits (traffic tickets and accidents) indicate you are a high-risk driver. Also don't submit insurance claims for lower-cost items such as dinged windshields and small dent repairs. The more claims you make, the more your insurance costs go up. 

Choose a high deductible - Most people choose a low $250 deductible, which is much more expensive than, say, a $1000 deductible. If you can afford to pay $1000 in case of an accident, you will save significant money by raising your deductible to that amount, or higher. 

Shop for lowest rates - Let's make it clear, insurance rates vary widely between insurance companies. There is no such thing as "standard" car insurance rates. As a 16 year old, if you are considering simply being added to your parents' policy, you might find that changing the entire family to a different company saves you money overall. You can call different insurance companies but the Internet makes it quick and easy to simply get quotes online.  

READ MORE - Auto Insurance for 16 Year Old Male Driver and Other Teen Drivers


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The auto insurance "smoothly"

   The existence of a motor vehicle in the country that more and more become a soft target insurance companies in the expansion of the financial crisis. Community more cautious in their ownership of the vehicle insurance is to be returned.        

Motor vehicle insurance has become one of the micro business that are diincar by companies asuransi.Masa financial crisis at this time not relying on the insurance sector corporation. This trend can be seen from the many companies that increasingly difficult, so the higher the risk. For the insurance industry, the vehicles do have a very positive trend. Acceptance of premiums from year to year, increased sharply. In 2005 reached Rp 3.11 trillion ago increased to Rp 3.5 trillion in 2006 and to Rp 4.2 trillion in 2007. 
Previously, the same thing expressed by the Director of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Dumasi Magdalena Samosir. In 2009 this Simas akan bidded lead to more retail sector. Mentioned, insurance on the vehicles has been. Success in 2008 Simas meraup premium fund of Rp 551 billion of protection to the motor and the car. Klaimnya no more, no more than 10 percent.
Mentioned, Simas able to lay a year ago from the property insurance fund of Rp 2 trillion, but also the number of klaimnya more. Although not mentioned Dumasi number, the number of incidents in 2008 to make this insurance also spent a lot of claims.

READ MORE - The auto insurance "smoothly"


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